Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Love Everybody (and other atrocious lies) True Tales of a Loudmouth Girl - Laurie Notaro

Those of you who know me well can guess exactly why I snagged this book off the shelf. I was looking for a lighthearted, easy read for the plane ride to San Antonio, and this was the perfect fit.

Sarcasm is an art. Some of us use it expertly, others simply can't pull it off. Notaro falls in the expert category. Simply by observing the behaviors of those around her (and, perhaps, mixing in a few of her own irrational fears), this woman churned out 226 pages of comical absurdities.

Half Bridget Jones, half Carrie Bradshaw, with a healthy dose of sarcasm, Notaro showcases the lack of common sense in our world in a manner sure to make you laugh. It's a great rainy-day read and was the perfect diversion as I sat next to Sneezy Man on the first leg of the plane ride.

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