Perhaps I should preface that by explaining that I recently had to put my beloved German Shepherd down for health reasons. Since that time, I've shamelessly added a new pup to our household. As guilty as I felt for making this move so quickly, puppy kisses have certainly aided in the grieving/healing process.
I am a dog lover. My dad took me to the pound to get my first dog when I was maybe 8 or 9 - a standard size poodle we named Pierre. Pierre was my best friend growing up, and I lost him my senior year of high school at the ripe old age of (our best guess) 15. I've rarely been without a canine companion since.
Currently, I reside with a 9-year old Dacshund (Big Daddy Mojo), a soon-to-be 1-year old Dachshund (our daughter's) (Shakespeare Mini-Mo Wilde), and now our new Boxer puppy, Brutus (full name yet to be determined). Hadn't planned to take on another dog, but was blindsided when I had to put down our Shepherd at such a young age.
So we're back at square one, training a new puppy dog. WHAT was I thinking? Ha! I'd forgotten just how much work was involved. I also realized pretty quickly that Brutus has a stubborn streak... He's a great dog - lots of personality and funny as can be - but he wants to be the alpha leader. Hmm...
Thus, this book. I decided early on that I will be able to control this dog, no matter how large or stubborn he gets, and that he will learn obedience. It's Me or the Dog has been the perfect training manual for me. Brutus is coming around, and I suspect the whole ordeal has been less stressful and more fun for both of us than when I've tackled the project solo in the past. We're learning to communicate. Correction...I'm learning to understand dog communication a little bit better. He may one day rule the roost (like the other canine loves of my life), but he's figuring out, for now at least, that I am the alpha leader around here.
If I can just keep that bluff going . . .
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