To quote the infamous Zig Ziglar, "People say motivation doesn't last. Neither does bathing; that's why it's recommended daily."
In Live Like Your Nail Color, Foley has linked nail color to motivation. Yes, nail color. She's taken a simple, 4-step process and related it to the process of refueling your inner "me tank." Her theory is to use the time you spend on your nails for self-exploration and refueling. Essentially she encourages you to choose a nail polish color that speaks to you. If the polish name is boring, rename it! Make your newly painted nails speak to you throughout the day. Let them serve as a flash motivation throughout your day of something that makes you feel good about yourself or something you want to do or change in your life.
This book isn't going to win a Pulitzer, but is a gentle reminder to stop and smell the roses along the way. The message Foley clearly communicates is that motivation is all around us; we can choose the most mundane of things to inspire a positive attitude and motivate us throughout our day. And, of course, that it's OKAY to spend an hour every other week on yourself.
Did I mention that the book comes with a complimentary nail polish? Interestingly, mine was named "I'm not really a supermodel." Gee ... whoddathunkit?
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