Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hiatus Update

I feel the need to check in, as I've certainly been less than faithful to my readers recently!

To bring you up to speed, puppy training is ongoing, and so far, so good...though Brutus has grown so MUCH this past month and is starting to get a little nosier than mommy likes! Our newest lesson is in setting boundaries, and we've installed a pet fence to protect our little guy from his own curiosity. He is not a fan of the fence...

In addition, my youngest daughter is getting married next week, which has created a whirlwind of activity recently.

I am currently reading
The Memory Keeper's Daughter and will be blogging again once I finish. In the meantime, let me hear from you. What have you been reading lately? Any great recommendations for me to check out?

1 comment:

Ginger Kay said...

Children of Men! Children of Men! Children of Men! (are you getting the hint?)