Little did I know that this book is a lesson in living from a man who is dying. Little did I know that the man is dying from Lou Gehrig's disease, or ALS. You see, not only is this little book full of tremendous lessons that each of us should absorb and put into practice long before we near the end of our earthly existence, but I also lost a very sweet, very dear aunt to ALS many years ago.
Albom describes the symptoms of ALS so accurately. Unfortunately, it's a horrendous disease that strips it's "host" of even the simplest functions. It steals independence and strips away dignity. It is devastating to the psyche. Morrie, however, found a way to embrace his situation. As the disease progressed and his condition worsened, he embraced life and love and took pleasure in all that truly matters.
I place this little book (and it truly is little) on the must-read list for everyone. Sometimes we all need to take a deep breathe and be reminded of how blessed we are, and how easily we get caught up in the whirlwind of life and take so much for granted. Yes, it's a feel-good book, but it's one with genuine and universal lessons.
What better time than Thanksgiving to read a book like this?
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