Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Plague of Secrets - John Lescroart

Lest you burn out before the next three posts, I must warn you that I've been catching up on my Lescroart reading. Yes, three in a row. Perhaps that makes me a card-holding member of the fan club?

A Plague of Secrets invites us back into the office of Dismas Hardy, criminal attorney, who is retained to defend a rather prominent woman in the community. A woman with ties to high ranking San Francisco city officials and, of course, a woman who is married into $$$. Needless to say, our suspect is surrounded by righteous suspicion, resulting in the ever-present conflict between Hardy and his best friend and chief homicide inspector, Abe Glitsky. Our suspect, of course, is her own worst enemy ... as they tend to be.

I may now have exhausted all of Lescroart's publications and will venture outside of his wonderfully crafted world to explore other works. I leave you for now, however, with reviews of three recently devoured novels and encourage you to slip into your sweats, curl up with your favorite beverage, and escape the grind of everyday routine with a group of San Franciscans who will not disappoint.

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