Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Hunter - John Lescroart

Another foray back to my comfort zone. The Hunter features another of Lescroart's characters, Wyatt Hunt, private investigator, who also (of course) got his start in the Dismas Hardy novels. I believe the first novel to feature Wyatt as the main character is The Hunt Club - another great read - so this wasn't a new adventure, per se.

Lescroart does not disappoint. I'm two novels deep into the Wyatt Hunt spin-off and one into the Abe Glitsky spin-off, and both of these characters have been so well-developed that they can carry their own series. I haven't seen that of many authors, including the infamous Patricia Cornwell, who for many years was my absolute favorite writer.

Clearly, I've found time to read again, which is pleasure enough in and of itself. Returning to Lescroart is simply icing on the cake.

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